Protein Importance Post Bariatric Surgery
Why is eating enough protein important after bariatric surgery?
Approximately 75% of your body weight is made of protein, and it depends on good quality protein to function properly. Protein has several essential roles in our body, and different types of proteins act as:
- Enzymes, which help to speed up metabolic reactions occurring in our body
- Hormones, which regulate several processes and reactions
- Skeletal muscle protein (contractile protein, Collagen, elastic keratin)
- Immunoproteins, such as antibodies/ immunoglobulins, which helps us fight off infections caused by virus and bacteria
- Transportation proteins, for example, albumin, which transports several nutrients such as Calcium, Zinc, and Vitamin B6.
Are all types of protein the same?
The quality of protein depends on its digestibility, and also on its essential amino acid composition. Good quality protein sources include animal protein, such as meat, cheese, and eggs, and also some plant-protein such as beans/legumes.
Protein supplement use after bariatric surgery
Pros | Cons |
Protein supplements may include:
Milk: (Milk protein Isolates)
- Whey: absorbs fast and if it is a whey protein Isolate, it is a good option for those with lactose intolerance.
- Casein: it is the main protein found in milk, absorbs at a slower rate than Whey
Eggs: contain 9 essential amino acids. This is a good option for those with a lactose intolerance, or a soy allergy.
- Soy: it is also a good option for those with a lactose intolerance or a milk-protein allergy
- Collagen: though not a complete protein, however provides 8-9 non-essential amino acids